Compounding Lab and Pharmacy for Sale

BBF-8940-692958 –  Independent Established Pharmacy with compounding lab in Safety Harbor for sale. They take most insurance, have a medical supply area and have very reasonable rent. Price includes $50,000 in inventory and lender pre-qualified.


Projected Sales for 2019: $600,000

Projected 2019 Owner Benefit: $200,000+

Asking Price: $450,000

Cash Down: $90,000

Marketing A Compounding Lab and Pharmacy Business

As you consider this pharmacy for sale, consider how you are going to grow the business. There are three very logical target gropus s to focus on:

  1. ‘Script transfers
  2. Patient Referrals
  3. Doctor Referrals

Remember to keep differentiating your pharmacy and lab from the main street varieties – the CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Publix options that folks have.  Always keep reminding people of why it is a SAFER, more friendly, more healthy option to with with someone who knows you – the customer – and who has the capacity to serve you appropriately… in your best interest.

Seek Out Patient Referrals

  • Reward referrals with coupons or discounts on retail items
  • Build a loyalty program with referral incentives
  • Nurture relationships with your loyal patients
  • Hold a referral contest
  • Encourage online reviews
pharmacy for sale

Get More Physician Referrals

  • Welcome new physicians in the community through lunch or meet-and-greets
  • Build relationships with physicians’ staff
  • Talk to physicians about the services and products their patients’ need
  • Show physicians public appreciation on social media
  • Give thoughtful gestures on the proper holidays
  • Invite the physicians to your pharmacy events
  • Create a collaborative partnership

Prescription Transfers

Anyone picking up a prescription on a regular basis is ripe for the picking!  They have a consistent need, already fill prescriptions, and most likely, very few of those patients have experienced the personal care of an independent pharmacy.

The experience is sooo different, it’s worth reaching out to any and all who are unaware and showing them “the light”!

Strategies to encourage patients to try your pharmacy include:

  • Provide free offers, trials and coupons for a service or products – free alkaline water can be a very tempting offer to anyone already a bit worried about their health
  • Put on one-day sales with discounts too good to miss – and encourage everyone to be on a newsletter that will alert them to weekly sales, trial offers and coupons
  • Offer sample bags at local events with custom grinds from your pharmacy
    • Team up with a local soap/bath salt maker and cross promote one another
  • Host a free community event to build awareness and showcase your expertise, perhaps picking a different common ailment per month – Arthritis one month, getting off sugar another, explaining whatever Fibromyalgia  is or… perhaps much more importantly, where to go and who to ask when you want to take Alleve or Robitussin and you need to know if it conflicts with something you are already taking!!!!
  • Health Fairs….corporate, community-wise, clubs… keep your ear to the ground for any such thing.
  • Team up with the people in the ancillary health business already marketing to your customers – gyms, health food stores, churches actually, and more!

17 Powerful Pharmacy Business Ideas That Get Results

From heading into Pet Compounding to offering different modalities of payment, this article offers 17 ideas on how to grow a Pharmacy business. Personalizing messaging to patients, instituting a loyalty rewards program and offering digital services all see easy and obvious. There are other good ideas here, too.

Apparently, the most high-profit services in the pharmacy business are

  • Compounding
  • Diabetes care
  • Specialty care
  • Travel vaccinations
  • Veterinary prescriptions

For these and other profit making ideas on how to grow your pharmacy business plese check out –

How To Grow A Compounding Lab Pharmacy

Back in the early days of the apothecary, compounding was the only type of pharmacy. Every single medication, ointment, salve, had to be compounded by hand. The reason is simple: the big business of boxed and readily available pharmaceuticals did not exist . In addition, each patient was unique and required the expertise of a compounding pharmacist.

These days not all pharmacists are in the business of compounding. Many are focused on ensuring that doctor’s or other healthcare providers’ prescriptions are fulfilled as requested on the prescription. That works for most patients, bringing them to a balance in their health. The pharmacist’s basic role is to ensure that the right dose of medication and the right amount will be administered via the prescribed modality, essentially.

So if the prescription calls for an inhaler, it is given in an inhalant form. The route would be by mouth. In other cases, maybe only injections of insulin work for a patient. No other new forms of insulin will be provided. Just an injection, at the specified doses written in the prescription.

The Compounding Lab Pharmacy Today

What is the use of a compounding lab pharmacy in today’s world? People are complicated. Not every individual  responds to the basic boxed medicine and dosages that are available from the Big Pharma. Even more so, there are some disease states that do not respond well to generalized dosages or preparations either.

Take for instance thyroid issues. As it turns out, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder. It sends different parts of the body out of balance, even giving doctors a run for their money when trying to identify what caused it. It is like a chicken and an egg question. Did the gluten intolerance develop following a hole in the gut following stress? Or did the hole follow after an diagnosed gluten allergy went unnoticed for 25 years?

Compounding Lab and Pharmacy for Sale
Located in Safety Harbor

The endocrine system goes haywire either way. And, this is one area where people’s responses to treatment could not be more different. In such a case, a compounding lab pharmacist is possibly the only person capable of rescuing the sufferers from their own bodies. And it is no exaggeration.

Filling A Dire Need Presents The Opportunity For Growth

As the instances of such autoimmune disorders such as thyroiditis, Chronic Fatigue, Epstein Barr and others grows, the need for compounding pharmacists grows exponentially. It may seem morbid, but this is the kind of opportunity that a compounding lab pharmacy relies upon to grow its business.

Becoming the company that knows how to work well with endocrinologists makes a way to grow a compounding lab pharmacy. So the first method to grow a compounding lab pharmacy is to know thyself. Knowing the specialized services or the specialized community to serve will help you know which relationships to build and with whom.

If working with people suffering from life-threatening bacterial infections is more your speed, then go that route. If generalist is the name of your game, then go that direction. The point is to know what services you offer or what populations you serve best.

From there, make relationships by approaching specialized industry groups who represent medical professionals in your arena. This can be done through LinkedIn, through phone calls, mailing personalized letters, and even networking events. Consider further bolstering your network by making contacts at local hospitals, with other pharmacists, doctors, and even functional medical doctors.

Currently Listed Pharmacy for Sale

Research Patient Statistics

Pharmacists are gifted with a special ability to analyze and crunch numbers. Use it to ensure that a need is real. Look at the population and numbers. See if the numbers really point to a need. Or, if the need is just a publicity stunt for a population looking to garner more attention and donations.

Build Awareness With The Populations In Need
Many times a doctor writes a prescription and leaves the patient hanging. They might say, “Oh, take this to a compounding pharmacy”. The patient is overwhelmed enough, and now has the burden of finding a specialized professional to fulfill their need. How do they know who to choose?

Take the burden off the patient’s shoulders. Answer their call by anticipating their concerns. This is where it is useful to hire a professional to handle online reputation, social media, online advertising or search engine optimization. Through anticipation of needs, answer the patient’s concerns by writing blogs, having a website, and building a reputation by having public relationships with organizations, bloggers, and medical leaders they trust.

Look At Logistical Issues

Do look at the location as well. Is there a well-loved endocrinologist specializing in treatment of Hashimoto’s in your city? Why not find a space next door to them?

Additionally, the logistics of having relationships with shipping companies that can deliver fresh compounds that work as effectively as those picked up in person will be a boon to business. Make sure that it is a reliable company. Business accounts often receive discounts and more favorable rates than an individual sending one medical compound one time.

Logistics also includes in what states the company can operate. Consider hiring or having relationships with compounding pharmacists wherever the company plans on delivering its goods and services. Take it all one step further by providing a very robust website, instant chat and a phone number with excellent professionals on the other end of the line.

All of these tips will ensure that a compounding lab pharmacy business takes off. Success is within reach as long as there is a business plan that includes building business relationships that target the patient community of choice. Most of all, do more of what works. Be adaptable and flexible.